Kamis, 24 November 2016

The Online Information Debate

Muklis     : Hi Febri how are you?

Febri        : Hi also my very good news Klis.

Muklis     : I was confused to find a site that allowed me to look  for information?

Febri        : I know the best sites are very easy to get and visit.

Muklis     : May I know what the name of the site?

Febri        : I usually use wikipedia.com site because the site is   very easy to get

 ( then Qodri and Ismail came over them both )

Qodri       : Hey what are you talking about?

Febri        : Muklis want to find out the best sites are easily visited

Qodri       : Oh I know it, be careful too many sites are forbidden to open us remember the words of the teachers.

Ismail      : Yes true what they say Qodri, one example is the negative things.

Qodri       : So, we go to the site was positive only.

Ismail      : Why do not you just look in the library rather than on the internet

Muklis     : What difference did search the internet or at the library?

Qodri       : If according to my search on the Internet only, the reason I stayed the more easily we put what we want to find and live out the results.

Ismail      : I do not agree with you qod, one of the difference in the library more inspiration despite having to search the book what we need

Muklis     : Yes indeed different from searching on the Internet or at the library

Febri        : Already Klis, I prefer to search on the internet especially through the site I gave earlier.

Muklis     : Oke feb, then I follow you just right easier. thanks for the advice of friends

Qodri, Febri, Ismail : You’re welcome klis.

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