Senin, 28 November 2016

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Hi Friends, how are you? I hope you are fine, come back again on My blog. Oke, there is so many things in the world that we able to discuss about. Now I will discuss about

“ A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later-self ”

you'll understand what I will discuss this time, so when I was younger, I have a dream for Me. That I want to be a soldier as My Father. Why? because when I was little I have not seen my dad wearing army clothes. At that time My Father had retired so I never see him workaround with that clothes. That time I have ever want to try to register to be a soldier, and time of registration was opened, I signed up during the last day of registration, I came to the headquarters of the Air Force interested in signing me but my age is less. I was sad but I do not want to despair. I think maybe when I sign my life has been quite turned out less, and I ask the opinion of my parents about this, and My Parents sent me to college first while waiting for enrollment in the next year, and My Parents told me to prepare physically and mentally to be more ready again.

This time I thought, that dream when I was a kid can not occur. I therefore return promised myself 10 years, to come I hope, I could be a soldier and happy my parents dispatched my family go to Hajj and Umrah in Mecca. Aamiin InsyaAllah

maybe that's it from Me, I hope you are happy. Thank you for reading, see you the next article

Assalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.

Kamis, 24 November 2016

The Online Information Debate

Muklis     : Hi Febri how are you?

Febri        : Hi also my very good news Klis.

Muklis     : I was confused to find a site that allowed me to look  for information?

Febri        : I know the best sites are very easy to get and visit.

Muklis     : May I know what the name of the site?

Febri        : I usually use site because the site is   very easy to get

 ( then Qodri and Ismail came over them both )

Qodri       : Hey what are you talking about?

Febri        : Muklis want to find out the best sites are easily visited

Qodri       : Oh I know it, be careful too many sites are forbidden to open us remember the words of the teachers.

Ismail      : Yes true what they say Qodri, one example is the negative things.

Qodri       : So, we go to the site was positive only.

Ismail      : Why do not you just look in the library rather than on the internet

Muklis     : What difference did search the internet or at the library?

Qodri       : If according to my search on the Internet only, the reason I stayed the more easily we put what we want to find and live out the results.

Ismail      : I do not agree with you qod, one of the difference in the library more inspiration despite having to search the book what we need

Muklis     : Yes indeed different from searching on the Internet or at the library

Febri        : Already Klis, I prefer to search on the internet especially through the site I gave earlier.

Muklis     : Oke feb, then I follow you just right easier. thanks for the advice of friends

Qodri, Febri, Ismail : You’re welcome klis.

Sabtu, 19 November 2016

You’re Karaoke Song of Choice and Why

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Hi Friend, welcome back again on My blog. many of which actually can be discussed, but this time I'll tell you about you’re karaoke song of choice and why. Okay, I want to ask you if you're a karaoke song do you prefer? Pop? dangdut? or rock? let me guess you definitely like dangdut. Yes or no? hehe. Others with me, I choose pop songs, like the title song "IBU" song by Iwan Fals, Iwan Fals you know? yes he is a famous musician who where every song touches the heart.

besides, Iwan Fals also known as a musician who often make songs about people, life, etc. if I am asked why I chose this song, I do not know what to answer because this song is very inspiring at all, this song tells the story of a mother who gave her love is relentless, she was willing to sacrifice for the sake of her son, she tried to beatify her son, who was willing to risk his life by delivery of a child, a mother whose affection is relentless, though often hurts himself but his mother always patiently took care of us from our youngest to our great. mother is an angel without wings, some say paradise under mother's feet.

maybe it's just that I can tell to you why I chose that song for karaoke, I advised you to care for your mother and take care of him while he is still there, maybe that's it, thank you for reading and I hope you are happy, and see you.

Assalamu’alikum wr.wb.

Kamis, 17 November 2016

Muhammad Muchlis Ansor

Lack Of Confidence

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb. Now, I'll tell you about someone lacks confidence he spirit and help her look confidenc. So this is his video, enjoy watching.

 Thanks for watching My video, I hope you enjoy and happy. So, see you on the next video and blog. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Sabtu, 12 November 2016

You’re favorite place you’ve traveled to

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Hi Friends, how are you? welcome back again on my blog. On this occasion I will discuss about You’re favorite you’ve traveled to. What your favorite traveled? Beach? Yes, most people like traveled to the beach, why? Ya, because in the beach scenery is very nice and Indonesia is also included as a favorite spot for tourists a lot beautiful sights in this Indonesian. Such as Kuta beach, Temajok island, beach kijing, and many others. oh yes, do you know most artists overseas vacation to Indonesia because they see the natural beauty that exist in Indonesia wow great. Proud of you could stay in Indonesia as much natural beauty inside it. So, you better choose where traveled abroud or Indonesia? It’s your each yea. Oke, I will tell you about I favorite traveled.

It is one of the photos on the Mimiland beach, there are many inns that we cant rent to stay. Besides, there we can play there are rides that is sure fun. this place is suitable for those of you who like to play or might play while relaxing seeing the sights in the surrounding you want to relax with your family, or maybe with your girlfriend hehe, This place might be perfect for you which is approx want to relax for a while removing the burden of mind.maybe that’s all I can say about favorite traveled, I hope you are happy and thank you for visiting my blog, see you in the next article. Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.